
A doll for my daughter

Aah de holiday's are over and everything is getting back to business slowly. This year I decided to not work on dolls during summer break. But my daughter Liv turned 10 the 5th of August and she wanted a doll from me so bad...so....this was the time to...

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Mini doll

In between the two European Waldorf Doll Seminar weekends I made this little mini doll. She is only 2.7" tall. I had ...

European Waldorf Doll Seminar

Nederlands: Ik ben helemaal vergeten twee meisjes aan jullie te laten zien. Ik was en ben nog steeds heel druk met het ...

Five little munchkins

Oh yes finally my little munchkins are ready to find a well deserved huggable home. It's so wonderful to hold them all ...


Everett is a little 10" custom boy. Isn't he handsome in his jeans and shirt. He also has a hand knitted cardigan for ...

Cuddle dolls

Nederlands: Ik ben een beetje stil, maar ondertussen ben ik hard aan het werk en aan het brainstormen. Nog even en dan ...


Aah at last, here she is. I named her Sophia. She is about 15" tall. I love this length. Not to big and not to small ...