
Aveline - A natural fiber art doll ready to play

English: Aveline was so excited to finally go outside. She came to me so excited. She told me she wanted to gather some fallen leaves. She even brought some seeds for the birds. But although the weather is nice today (we have sun), everything is still wet. Hopefully...

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Tips: materials

Nederlands: Ik krijg regelmatig mailtjes met vragen over het poppen maken en waar ik bijv. het haar koop of de tricot ...

Ready for winter

The girls headed home yesterday. Fully clothed with a warm knitted cardigan, knitted leggings and knitted mary janes ...


English: And now it's time to knit some mittens for myself. But I do think my daughter Silver will grab them away from ...

For the colder days

I have been knitting a bit. This year I wanted to knit our own hats. I can never find the hat I love in the shops and ...

Sewing a wardrobe

I'm working on two sisters for almost a half year. Yes I know.... But how guilty I sometimes feel, when I see the ...


This little lady is a special girl for her momma. And I felt honored she wanted me to make her for her. And I love ...

New York

It has always been a dream to visit New York. When I worked in fashion it was my dream to go to New York to search for ...