
And the lucky one is........

I decided not to do it with random.org but with these little cards. I think it's much more personal and much more fun for me. Lyndsey congratulations. I will e-mail you for further information. Enjoy your day! Maureen ...

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Chloé - The list is closed!

Meet Chloé. She is for sale comment-style. And as you know only people who don't have a Poppenliefde doll in their ...

Een goed idee!

It's time, time for new dolls. And as you know I promised to make some ready to go dolls. And I think it's time to ...

For Lelan

It really took me a lot of time to finish these dolls. 4 Dolls in total. 3 Big dolls and one Blossom doll. I had to ...