
Fairy and her friend

Dear English readers, She is finally done. I gave her a crown because I think her new mommy will like that much more than what I made her before. And I made her a coat. She will travel to Spain together with her Butterfly friend. Ze is dan...

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Soon, very soon...

Dear English readers, It's almost time for my upload. Finally.... I will do the upload wednesday the 22nd of February ...

Special moments

Het is tijd om weer eens wat persoonlijker te worden op mijn blog. Ik weet dat ik dat niet zo vaak doe. Maar deze ...

Blossoms, fairies and friends

Dear English readers, I get a lot of questions in my mailbox about dolls for sale. And believe me I would love to fill ...

Red hair

Dear English readers, Maybe you noticed, while viewing my pictures, that I never made a red haired doll yet. But now ...